Functions of a limited liability company There are no special circumstances in which you would be required to incorporate a limited liability company. An LLC is a type of legal entity that successfully blends the majority of the most desirable characteristics of other business types, which explains why most entrepreneurs choose an LLC when starting a business. Additionally, many offshore jurisdictions have simplified accounting and record-keeping requirements for LLCs.
Normally we would advise our clients to consider an LLC as a viable option if they wish to form a commercial corporation or small business within certain limits. LLCs are perfect for those looking for a way to run a business (locally or internationally) and distribute profits at minimal cost. However, you should always keep in mind that an LLC does not typically provide an effective mechanism to introduce a partner with limited voting power or numerous investors to your company. In these cases, we recommend that you consider a limited partnership or a public company, as they may offer more effective ways to achieve your goals. Forming an offshore company in a tax haven can be a great way to reduce maintenance costs.